Soft Skills Trainings

The Need for Training

Many organisations often fail to recognize why their performance is poor even while they
work with experienced and qualified employees. Higher productivity is based not
just on skill or experience but various interlinking factors that affect employees, the
management and the organisational system as a whole. Training is the only factor that
bridges the gap between standard performance and actual performance. It is the
extent of this gap that determines the real success of a company.
In the contemporary arena of intense competition successful companies actually
focus more and more on employee training. Training is one of the best investments that
any organisation should plan for, as every other investment can be expected to reap
benefits only in consonance with this essential factor.

Core values


Training today has a challengingly manifold purpose as each day throws up newer concepts, newer objectives and newer meanings of the continuously
transforming world. Businesses have newer needs and interminably confront
newer challenges. Employees are expected toย  deliverย  ย higher and higher
performances while organisations consistently keep looking beyond the
regular indexes of performance. Proper training inevitably therefore, becomes
the sole underlying element around which the entire concept of success revolves.

Programs offered

Know Their Behavioural Styles (KTBS)

Treating people the way you like to be treated,
is passรฉ.
Treating people the way they like to be treated,
is vogue.

Broadly, there are four personality styles and each
personality has a behavioural pattern. By simply
understanding these patterns one can assess the
strengths, weaknesses, preferences, working styles of
any individual and a lot more . This knowledge
empowers the participants to work effectively with
individuals thus driving more happy clients, smooth
functioning, harmony at work, higher efficiency of
teams, reducing attrition and peak performance.

Invite The Infinite (ITI)

โ€œWhatever the mind of a man can
conceive and believe, It can achieve.โ€

Invite the infinite is a program based on the
belief that humans have a lot more powers
than they think have. The training focus on
empowering the participants to unleash the
power of the sub conscious mind by changing
their mind-set in a positive way. Participants
will learn how to control their thoughts,
channelize their energy in the right direction,
show gratitude and put positive action towards
their goals.

other Programs offered

  • Stakeholder Management

  • Business Communication

  • Goal Setting

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Business Etiquette

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Team Building

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Stress Management

  • Time Management

  • Effective Presentation

  • Problem Solving

  • Cross Culture Training

  • Unleashing Potential

  • Effective Selling

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